When was the last time you paid for something with cash? Society as a whole has begun to deviate towards a cashless society. Statistics show people are forgoing cash in favor of digital payment methods. Therefore, not having the ability to process digital payments is a hindrance to the success of any business. Our goal is to bridge that gap and ensure no business misses out.

Current government legislation effectively prohibits Cannabis-related merchants from most traditional, mainstream payment options. On the other hand, the roadblocks and red tape involved have made taking advantage of newer payment options just as much of a headache.

That’s where we come in.

image of a card being swiped

As one of the nation’s top CBD/THC payment processors, Cann-i provides reliable, consistent solutions, competitive pricing, and white-glove customer service around the clock for merchants in the industry. From point of sale systems, loyalty programs, credit debit card processing, and more, Cann-i Consulting has you and your business covered.

We believe every business should have the right to dependable financial solutions, so we make it our goal to provide access to the vital components needed for long-term success.

Cann-i Consulting and its affiliates work with over 65,000 businesses and processes over $10 billion in credit card sales annually. We offer a full suite of top tier financial products to help our partners stay competitive in an ever-changing business environment. Things like reserves, held funding times, and account shutdowns are not acceptable in today’s business environment. Cann-I ensures you can rest easy knowing both you and your customers will have a seamless processing experience while at the same time increasing your bottom line with digital transactions.

inside of a canabis shop

We are more than just a payment processor. We pride ourselves on integrity, compliance, and consistency. Experience an unmatched level of service and support and align yourself with a respected industry leader with a robust network of assets to help your business grow.

Get in touch with us today and find out how you CANN grow.

Become A Partner Today

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As of 2019, 11 states and Washington D.C. have legalized recreational marijuana for people over 21.
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To date, 32 states, Washington D.C., and the District of Columbia have legalized medical marijuana.
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Marijuana has been fully or partially decriminalized in 25 states and the District of Columbia to varying degrees.